Individual and Couples Counseling

For when you’re ready to feel connected and at peace again

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy provides a space for you to focus on your own well-being. Through the process, people improve their moods, relationships, and sense of self. We start to change the world when we start to change ourselves.

I work with adults who may feel lost or overwhelmed to heal from past pain and cope with the challenges of the present. We do this work together by understanding ingrained physiological responses, changing mental patterns, replacing coping strategies that no longer work, and increasing self-compassion.

I also work with children and teens struggling with mood disorders. Therapy with kids always involves parents, and together we improve family dynamics, build regulation skills, and rebuild self-esteem.


Couples Therapy

Couples therapy sometimes has a reputation for being a difficult slog, and while it requires real commitment and work, I also believe it can be a celebration of what makes your relationship special and a joyful way to reconnect.

There are lots of reasons the couples I work with (heterosexual and LGBTQ+) seek therapy: a major rift occurred, parenting challenges, you find yourselves drifting apart or always irritated at each other, poor communication, to decrease/improve conflict, etc. I also support couples in therapy before those issues become too big to manage in pre-marital counseling and for relationship “tune-ups.”

“I decided that the single most subversive, revolutionary thing I could do was to show up for my life and not be ashamed.”

—Anne Lamott, “Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son’s First Year”

Not sure if you need therapy or if it will help?

Let’s chat to sort out if therapy is right for you. There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.